Finding My Identity in Christ by Phil Hernandez

Finding My Identity in Christ by Phil Hernandez

I remember as a young boy in the sixties hearing a phrase that went something like this: “I need to go find myself.”  I wanted to say, “Just look in the mirror; there you are.”  What people were really meaning was that they didn’t know who they were, or rather, their...

Planting Seeds in Uganda with Christie Crouse

As a church family, we are all incredibly proud of the work that Christie Crouse is doing in Uganda. For those of you that aren’t as familiar with her and her story, here is a recap: Christie, daughter of Roger and Theresa, has always had a heart to see Jesus...
Finding Freedom by Gena Hernandez

Finding Freedom by Gena Hernandez

In today’s world, most nations and people consider themselves to be free, not enslaved to another. The idealism of one’s own freedom rings true in the hearts of every race and creed. Thankfully, in our country, human slavery was abolished years ago. But interestingly...